Kimi actually uses the same principle as acupuncture, which is called
reflexology. There are thousands of scientific and medical proofs to
show that reflexology has been scientifically verified and generally
accepted by the whole world as one of the best natural ways to cure
diseases and improve anyone's physical conditions, including increase in
height. Below are just a few of those thousands of scientific and
medical proofs:
Proof #1:
A direct
quote about reflexology and height on an international Medical Health
Forum ("... Reflexologists manipulate different
parts of the sole of your foot to garner varying results. One of these
results is the stimulation of the pituitary gland, which in turn
releases growth hormone, which should stimulate some growth."
Proof #2:
A foot
massage machine - Reflex Foot Massager developed by 102 Foot Mate Ltd. (
"Ancient Egyptian drawings show people massaging each other's feet. It
has been practiced by people of Eastern cultures for over 4,000 years.
REFLEXOLOGY now is enjoying widespread support in North America. It is
part of a holistic approach to body healing. It offers a hopeful vision
of help and relief, aside from conventional methods. Nature designed our
feet for walking on uneven and rough ground, thus massaging our feet to
keep our bodies healthy. REFLEXOLOGY is based on the principle that our
nerves or zones end at the bottom of our feet. These zones or reflex
points go from the bottom of our feet to the top of our head,
encompassing all vital organs on the way When we press or massage a
certain point on the bottom of our foot, we send energy, via that zone,
to the corresponding area in our body. So we are helping our body to
heal itself by balancing our energies. Tender zones or points may
indicate that part of our body requires help or energy sent to it, via
the reflex point."
Proof #3:
Answers a Sixty-Year Old Question for Reflexologists (
"... Children with cerebral palsy who received reflexology work showed
an improved growth rate over those who did not. Mentally retarded
children were shown to improve significantly in height, weight, health
states, social living abilities, and intellectual development when
receiving foot reflexology as opposed to those not receiving treatment."
Proof #4:
A foot
reflexology chart drawn by Reflexology Research Project. This chart is
100% consistent with Kimi inventors' figure of distribution of the
"nerve-points" reflexes on the sole (click here to see the figure on the
cover of Kimi's package). "Great minds think alike", scientists and
doctors all over the world have come to the same conclusion - foot
reflexology really works.

Proof #5:
A direct
quote about, Kimi, and reflexology by Jon F. Merz by
Jon F. Merz ( in his cover story "Looking to 'Enhance'
a Lost Cause" ("... My personal
favorite for adding a whopping 3-8 centimeters of extra height was found
at where you can purchase 'Kimi', a shoe
implant device that relies on reflexology (foot massage) to stimulate
points on the soles of your feet. This, in turn, charges up your
pituitary gland to release more growth hormone."
Proof #6:
Report of the
China Reflexology Association found foot reflexology to be 93.63%
effective in treating 63 disorders (
"... Dr. Liang found that foot reflexology proved to be: Significantly
effective (cure) in 48.68% of all cases; Effective or improvement in
44.95%; No effect in 6.37%."
Proof #7:
Artifacts of Ancient Egypt. Archaeologists have discovered that ancient
Egyptians had practiced foot reflexology for thousands of years (
Roman emperor Octavius noted Mark Anthony's "pathetic enslavement to
Cleopatra (the famous queen of Egypt) -- "he even massaged her feet at
dinner parties."
Proof #8:
Even Princess
Diana of England had foot reflexology three times a week ("The
tabloid press has included reports about Princess Diana and the royal
family's use of foot reflexology since 1985... She (Diana) got manicures
and pedicures, had foot reflexology three times a week. (The Queen of
Style, Diana, Commemorative Issue, Newsweek, p. 47, 1997)...".
Proofs #9 - #99:
A list of
many reflexology organizations in different countries ("The
Home of Reflexology provides details of Reflexology Organisations
together with information on reflexology and other reflexology related
links...". The existence of so many professional reflexology
organizations around the globe is one of the strongest proofs that foot
reflexology has gained international recognition and general acceptance.
Proofs #100 - #1000+:
A list of
tons of reflexology books written by scientists and doctors all over the
world ( If there are not 1000
books on this list, feel free to go to your local libraries and check on
the topic "reflexology" and you will find more than you want! All of
these authoritative works are iron hard proofs of the effectiveness and
reliability of foot reflexology, which is the principle used by our Kimi
grow taller device.
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