Order With A Check Or Cash In US Dollars

To order with a check or cash in US Dollars:

Step #1. Select your shipping location (at the bottom of this page) to access our secure online Shopping Cart.

Step #2. Follow the instructions on our Shopping Cart to generate an order form.

Step #3. Print or hand write this order form.

Step #4. Write a check payable to SCI Therapy, Inc. in the amount of the Grand Total price shown on your order form, or get cash in US Dollars, mail your check or cash along with your order form to:

SCI Therapy, Inc.
5030 Broadway, Suite 642
New York, NY 10034, USA

Before mailing out your check or cash, be sure to do the following:

1) Write the check payable to: SCI Therapy, Inc.

2) Make the check in US dollars and cashable by a US bank.

3) Cover your check or cash with black or thick paper. No one should be able to know that there is check or cash inside of your mail without opening it.

4) Include your printed or hand-written order form.

5) Use certified mail or ask for a receipt from your local postal office so that you can request a trace if we do not receive your payment on time.

Select Your Shipping Location
